(Inactive) Ingredients
Goats Milk,,Shea Butter, honey,castoroil,turmeric,chamomile,sandalwood, lemon powder, KojicAcid,tea tree oil, Palm Oil, Safflower Oil, Glycerine. lemonlavenderand lemongrass essential oil (kosher, of vegetableorigin)Goat's Milk, Purified Water, Sodium Hydroxide(saponifyingagent),Sorbitol (moisturizer),Sorbitan oleate(emulsifer),Oatprotein (conditioner),Titanium Dioxide (mineralwhitener usedin opaque soaps)
Age Group
Quantity per Pack
Goats Milk,,Shea Butter, honey,castoroil,turmeric,chamomile,sandalwood, lemon powder, KojicAcid,tea tree oil, Palm Oil, Safflower Oil, Glycerine. lemonlavenderand lemongrass essential oil (kosher, of vegetableorigin)Goat's Milk, Purified Water, Sodium Hydroxide(saponifyingagent),Sorbitol (moisturizer),Sorbitan oleate(emulsifer),Oatprotein (conditioner),Titanium Dioxide (mineralwhitener usedin opaque soaps)
Pack Type
Single Item
Shelf Life
24 Months

our turmeric and kojic acid bar may cleanses your skinmaimprove dark spots,may reduce hvperpigmentation,mayreduce face and body acne. This bar may be used allovethe body wherever Safe and gentle enough foreveryday use.
Lather bar and rub face in circular motion for 3o-6oseconds, with cool water, rinse face clean, pat dryspray Coconut Rose toner, then apply Glow BeautySerum or afragrance free moisturizer of your choicelastly,alwayswear a sunscreen when using thisproduct..Use every morning for the first 2-3 days to seehow yourskin reacts.The transition into am/pmroutine..You may experience purging of the skin in thefirst fewdavs, but continue with your daily routine. Stopuse ofproduct if you experience allergic reactions suchasburning,itching,or redness.
Ingredients: Kojic
Size: 4 oz Barngredients:Goats Milk, Coconut Oil SheaButterhoney,castor oil,turmeric, chamomile, sandalwoodlemonpowder, Kojic Acid, tea tree oil, Palm Oil, SafflowerOil.Glycerine.lemon lavender and lemongrass essentialoil(kosher, of vegetable origin), Goat's Milk
DISCLAIMER:For External Use Only. Avoid directcontactwith eyes and do not ingest. Not recommendedforchildren. lf you are pregnant, nursing or under medicalcareplease consult your physician before use. Producthas notbeen evaluated by the FDA and l am not aphysician.lfirritation occurs,discontinue use.Skincareproducts maycause an allergic reaction. lf an allergicreaction occurs Pawsitively Pawesome will not be heldliable. Use at your ownrisk. All products, listings andstatements are forinformational purposes ONLY and areNOTINTENDED todiagnose, prescribe, treat, cure orprevent any conditionallment or disease.